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to the SFVAA Central Office


Your Support Means the World to Us…

Contribute Via CardContribute Through Paypal

In keeping with our traditions, we only accept contributions from members.

Donate Through Paypal

Donate Through ZELLE

Donate Through Venmo

Suggested Disbursement Of Contributions:

Disbursement of funds is an individual group/meeting decision.

The majority of the San Fernando Valley groups and meetings use a “60-30-10” formula.

60% to SFVCO, 16134 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA 91406

30% to General Service Office, P.O. Box 459, Grand Central Station, NY, NY 10163

10% to Central Calif. Area 93, 606 Alamo Pintado #3 PMB140, Solvang, CA 93463 (some meetings/groups do a disbursement of 5% Area and 5% District)

For those doing district contributions:

District #1: Mailing Address: District 1, P.O. Box 9113, Calabasas, CA 91372-9113

District #11: Mailing Address: District 11, P.O. Box 4294, Glendale, CA 91222

District #16: Mailing Address: District 16, P.O. Box 7351, Van Nuys, CA 91409

District #17: Mailing Address: District 17 AA, 11333 Moorpark St. #117,
Studio City, CA 91602

When sending contributions to General Service, Area 93 and/or District you’ll need to include your Group Identification Number. If your group doesn’t have an ID number, contact GSO in New York at (212) 870-3400.

If You Have Any Guestions, Please Feel Free to Call Us

818-988-3001 (24/7)


How to Become a Volunteer?

Well, we’d love to have you!